ага, щаз!
Я мельком уже прочитал книгу - нередко встречается игра слов, которую на русский, на мой взгляд, вообще невозможно адаптировать. Разве что переводить дословно и вставлять примечания.
Вот например:
Burnblast wagged a talon back and forth. ‘Now, now, my dear. Do not get above yourself. What I do with respect to sex is not your business. But what you do is mine. You like it?’
‘I guess.’
‘I bet you do! Are you – adventurous?’
‘What ?’
‘I think you heard me.’
‘I don’t understand what you mean by adventurous.’
‘Come, now. Use your imagination. For instance: How do you feel about,’ he dropped his voice, conspiratorially, ‘oral sex?’
Lizbreath blinked. ‘About what?’
‘Oral sex. How do you feel about it?’
She looked at him, twitched her nostrils, and asked: ‘What kind of ore? Precious metals? Iron?’
‘No, no. The word is oral as in: relating to the mouth.’
She wasn’t sure she’d heard him correctly. ‘Relating what to the mouth?’
‘Relating a dragon’s – intimate organ. To the mouth.’
She was silent for a long minute, regarding him closely with her golden eyes. Then she said:
‘You’re asking me about having… sex in the mouth?’
‘So, let me get this clear in my head. “Oral” sex: a male dragon unsheathes his delicate member from its protective bony covering, and puts it – in all its tender vulnerability – into the mouth of a female dragon?’
‘Or male dragon – but, yes, you describe it perfectly.’
‘That same mouth,’ Lizbreath went on, ‘from which fire blasts out on a regular basis? Flames hot enough to turn steel into soup, to blast solid lead into hot black oil ? That mouth?’
‘The mouth that can generate temperatures of up to 600 degrees Centigrade?’
‘Yes,’ he said.
‘How do I feel about that?’
‘I feel sorry for any male dragon foolish enough to try it. Is how I feel.’
Жирным шрифтом выделен момент, когда Лиз недопонимает ее опекуна и думает, что "oral" происходит от слова "ore" - то есть "руда". И переспрашивает, правильно ли она поняла, что нужно "по...ться с металлом".